Husband and Wife Home Birth Chat Episode 12 – Book Club UPDATE: Someone was messing with my phone during this show. The sound either went out or was fumbled when I talked about: 1. The Newsweek writer who gloated about stealing the election from President Trump. 2. President Clinton invited the Chinese in to look at our military instalations at the end of his presidency.ContinueContinue reading “Husband and Wife Home Birth Chat Episode 12 – Book Club”

Toomey doing his job Biden’s banking watchdog pick Saule Omarova must turn over her thesis on Karl Marx, lawmaker demands Sen. Pat Toomey says he hopes GOP works hard to stop Omarova’s confirmation Ms. Saule T. Omarova, Professor of Law and Director, Jack Clarke Program on the Law and Regulation of Financial Institutions and Markets, Cornell University. (SenateContinueContinue reading “Toomey doing his job”